Healthcare asset tracking

A complete solution for digitally tracking and monitoring healthcare assets

£900m lost hours from NHS nurses finding missing equipment

Nursing Times/GS1UK, 2009

£50,000 saved in the first year of asset tracking

Recorded by NHS England in one trust

Locate and monitor any asset digitally in just 2 minutes with EVERYWARE

Anywhere, any device


With hours of practitioner time spent locating and monitoring equipment, effective healthcare asset management is critical to ensuring efficient operations and enhanced patient outcomes in the NHS.

Our universal healthcare asset tracking software and equipment provides the operational intelligence needed to improve efficiency, identify and rectify issues and help healthcare professionals make data-driven decisions. By providing the ability to track all types of equipment and resources on a single platform, EVERYWARE makes managing healthcare assets, both within hospitals and in the community, simple.

Trusted by:
Assured by:

A unified cloud platform for hospitals and virtual wards that combines:

Medical device tracking

Community asset tracking

Patient wellbeing monitoring

Hospital vehicle tracking

Pharmacy & ward temperature monitoring

Building environment monitoring

Plus on-going integration with technology providers, ensuring all trail-blazing technology for medical asset tracking can continue to be accessed through a single platform.

Solution overview

EVERYWARE healthcare asset monitoring system diagram showing how sensors monitor assets

Our hybrid asset location monitoring solution combines three types of technology in a single digital platform:

“We recognise the need to embrace new technology to not only improve diagnosis and recovery, but also support patients with terminal conditions who wish to be treated at home. EVERYWARE’s GPS asset tracking was a solution we hadn’t been able to find elsewhere. The introduction of GPS tracking enabled our community nurses to gain easy access to essential equipment that was needed to support these patients."

Want to find out more?

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